Vintage Second World War WW2 Military Helmet German Memorabilia Relic


Vintage Second World War WW2 Military Helmet German Memorabilia Relic
Vintage Second World War WW2 Military Helmet German Memorabilia Relic
Vintage Second World War WW2 Military Helmet German Memorabilia Relic
Vintage Second World War WW2 Military Helmet German Memorabilia Relic

Vintage Second World War WW2 Military Helmet German Memorabilia Relic
This vintage helmet is a unique piece of history from the Second World War era. It is a German military helmet made of steel, with a clear color and a medieval theme. The helmet is a reproduction of the original and has been crafted in India with great attention to detail. Ideal for LARP or reenactment purposes, this ambidextrous helmet adds an authentic touch to any collection of armor and shields. A perfect addition for any history enthusiast or collector, this memorabilia relic is a must-have for those who appreciate the stories that come with rare and unique pieces.
Vintage Second World War WW2 Military Helmet German Memorabilia Relic

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